Run for Office


We are looking for potential candidates to run in elections!  A presidential Nominating Convention will be held late March 2024 and a second nominating convention may be held in June if needed for local/statewide races.

How to find out which races are up for election?

Click here for a list of county election offices at the end of the document.  In some cases your local will list the offices, but most likely you will need to contact your local county election office

What are the various deadlines for filing?

Click here for a list of key dates  to file, both as a candidate, for the the voter's pamphlet, etc.

Link to the Secretary of State page election's page for complete information about requirements, filings, etc.

What does it take to run an effective campaign?

Click here for a great PowerPoint presentation on how to organize for an effective Campaign

Join the campaigns committee email list and organizing platform

Please click on the presentation Running For Office to the right for useful information on how to organize and run a successful campaign.

Running for office is one of the best ways to engage the public, challenging the status quo by speaking about what matters to the 99%.  Winning an election not only means to get elected - but MOST IMPORTANTLY it means to SHIFT THE DISCOURSE.

One of the principal purposes of the PGP is to run candidates for office at all levels of government and to help get them elected.  In doing so, we further the cause of our many allies and coalition friends - because we are also in the trenches with them and understand their struggles.

So, if you’re considering running, we welcome and applaud you. What follows is intended to help you along the way.

You can make a big difference as a Green in elected office!  Here's a list of seats to consider:

  • school board
  • conservation district
  • port
  • public college or university board
  • public transportation district
  • city or county council
  • mayor
  • Oregon House or Senate
  • Oregon Federal Congressional districts
  • Oregon Federal Senate seats
  • state offices, including Governor, Treasurer, Secretary of State, Attorney General, etc.

Every election there are often local seats which are uncontested. Getting your name on the ballot in these cases means you will likely win that election. The first step to engaging the Pacific Green Party in supporting your run for office is to let us know more about you and your plans. You can do this by filling out our Statement of Candidacy form and email [email protected] to make sure we receive your application.

If you intend to run for state or local office you should visit Run For Public Office on the Oregon Secretary of State website. This site will link you to the various forms you will need to submit to the state to comply with Oregon Election Law. These documents are free and available from the State Elections Division of the Secretary of State’s office, at (503) 986-1518 or 1-866-ORE VOTE.

We can help you with paperwork, treasury, volunteers, voter lists, and free assistance consulting on how to navigate your way through the process.  These resources are available to Green candidates one they have officially filed for office.

Everybody should run for office at least once. Consider it your duty. If you've never run for office before and don't like the limelight of a higher office, consider joining a neighborhood association (see here for a list of some in Oregon). You might find it's fun to be contributing to your community through civic engagement, even if it involves just your local neighbors. Think globally, act locally!

Those running for a Federal office should visit the Federal Elections Commission for information on filing and reporting requirements.

How to find offices in your area
If you intend to run for a local office (city council or county commissioner, for example), you can check with your county clerk for the relevant documents and instructions.

How to seek the nomination of the PGP
Please supply the information described in the Statement of Candidacy. Please note that the signatures of a minimum of five Supporting Members are needed on this statement.  The information you supply here will be distributed as far as possible to our membership via our website and social media, reviewed by the PGP Elections Committee, and their recommendation will be made to the full PGP statewide nominating convention.  Note that if office resides within a county then you should seek the nomination and endorsement of your local county chapter (you will need to form a county chapter first if none is currently active).

How to get the endorsement of the PGP
For a non-partisan race, please note that in your Statement of Candidacy.

Please note that there are printed materials that you may find useful in your campaign: